
Die Welt, Germany

"In the Adagio of Grieg’s Piano Concerto, the orchestra produced the softest possible tonal foundation over which the magnificent pianist Heidrun Holtmann performed her solo in the style of an improvisation. Particularly in the dynamic “narrated” cadenza in the first movement, the poetically saturated and simultaneously technically competent interpretation displayed an impressive format.”

Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany

“Heidrun Holtmann’s greatest strength lies in her directness of expression which is at the same time simple and wide-reaching. In view of the sheer unbelievable abundance of notes, Heidrun Holtmann displayed absolute accuracy and fearlessness.”

Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

“Heidrun Holtmann’s greatest strength lies in her directness of expression which is at the same time simple and wide-reaching. In view of the sheer unbelievable abundance of notes, Heidrun Holtmann displayed absolute accuracy and fearlessness.”

Wiesbadener Tagblatt, Germany

“Right from the start, the clarity of her touch, her strength and precision down to the finest details and the way in which caesuras and rubato passages grew organically out of the melos was captivating. The absolute perfection in the balance between musicality and intelligent disposition was exemplary.”

Berliner Zeitung, Germany

“She searches out the essence of each composition, unpretentiously, with no sign of mannerisms, at all times devoting her full concentration and ability to the musical text.”

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, Germany

“Applying her virtuosity to the service of the music, she was for the audience a brilliant and impressive protagonist and for the musicians a well calculable ‘primus inter pares’ even in rubato passages.”

Kieler Nachrichten, Germany

“The Schumann title ‘The Poet Speaks’ is without doubt appropriate to her performance of his works! She displays intelligence in her comprehension of the different roles which the piano undertakes as counterpart to the orchestra.”

Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten, Germany

“She maintains a veritably enthralling dialogue with the orchestra with her powerful touch with a relaxed hand and controlled emotion.”

Toronto Star

"Holtmann devoted her entire recital to The Goldberg, playing with such concentration that the time seemed to fly by. And even more than Gould, she did not pretend she was playing a harpsichord, drawing on her instrument's greater resources of dynamics and colour to give heightened expression to the various contrapuntal lines. 
What recommended her playing throughout was its wonderful sense of forward motion. Even in the slower variations she sustained the tension in the line, giving the music an unfailingly directional quality.”"

Pakistan Economist

"From the moment Ms. Holtmann struck the first note, it was obvious the evening was going to be special. Throughout the recital she was very much in control. Some of the Preludes and Fugues had a delicate wistful charm and a kind of glassy fragility. But she reached the warmth that was readily kindled beneath the apparently granite surface. Other Preludes and Fugues had their shattering central climax and pervasive clouds of nostalgic reference. But the way she tugged at their emotional core was marvelously involving as the blaze of colour resonated through the hall. The absolute stillnes of the audience, as the passages gently sought their resolution, was tribute to a distinguished performance."

CD review in January 2009